Translation statistics are a great way to track the progress of your project. You can see translation activity for each language and user.
Language statistics
You can view the translation activity for all languages in the project or for a specific language. The statistics include the number of missing translations, review activity, and auto-translation activity.
Project languages activity
Project language statistics show the translation activity for all languages in the project. You can see the number of missing translations, review activity, auto-translation percentage, and the number of characters.
In the chart below, you can see the translation activity over the last 30 days, including translation changes and review activity.

You can also find information about the top contributors, auto-translation details, and top languages.
To switch to the statistics for a specific language, click on the language name in the list.
Language activity
Language statistics display the translation activity for the selected language. You can check the number of missing translations, review activity, auto-translation activity, top contributors, and top languages.

User statistics
User statistics show the translation activity for each user in the project. You can access user statistics by clicking on the user in the language statistics or using the View Activity option in the People tab in the project settings.

User statistics include the number of translation changes and reviews, as well as the time spent on translations.