Translate JSON files with ease

Upload your JSON translation files to SimpleLocalize,
use auto-translation and download ready-to-go translation files in seconds!

No credit card required 14-day free trial Tracking-free service
multi-language json file format

Why use JSON for translations?

JSON is the most popular format for storing translations in different type of projects. It works great for web and mobile apps and games localization. Storing translations in JSON files makes it much easier to work with and to manage translations from a project building and management perspective. Using JSON files for translations has many benefits:

  • universal file format that you can go with anywhere,
  • it is known and widely used among developers,
  • it's easy to read even by non-technical people,
  • simple key-value structure.
sample json with english translation strings

How to use JSON files for translations?

JSON files are straightforward for translation management. There are different ways to manage translations with JSON, so you can choose which one works best for you and your project:

  • Single-language JSON - all translations for a language are stored in a single file. It contains a translation key set by developer and localized message (our translation). Each language has a separate JSON file.
  • Multi-language JSON - translations for all languages are stored in one JSON file. The file structure contains language as a key and translation as a value.
  • Custom SimpleLocalize JSON - this JSON format allows storing translation with additional information, like description for translators or extra key details.
sample multi-language json format with translations

How to translate JSON file?

To translate JSON files with ease, use SimpleLocalize translation management with free community plan. It's a perfect way for translating smaller projects. The online translation editor will help you and translators to work efficiently on translations, and the import/export process won't cause you any trouble.

First, create account in SimpleLocalize and add a new project. Then, upload your translation files or use simple CLI command for uploading translations.

Second, translate your project. Add new languages, use translation editor and try the auto-translation feature which will do the whole translation job for you in seconds. Finally, download your translated JSON files. You can download them in different formats, like JSON, CSV, or XLSX.

Import JSON file with translation to auto-translate section

See how to get started
with SimpleLocalize CLI

# macOS / Linux / Windows (WSL)
curl -s | bash

# Windows (PowerShell)
. { iwr -useb } | iex;

Install CLI

Execute a shell script to auto-install CLI or download a binary file. Create a YAML file with configuration for your project.
Get started with CLI

Upload translations

Execute upload command to push your local translation files to translation editor.
See how to upload translations
$ simplelocalize upload \
        --apiKey YOU_API_KEY \
        --uploadFormat single-language-json \
        --uploadPath ./messages_{lang}.json
translation editor for localization keys

Manage translations

Your translations will show up in a translation editor. In web client you start auto-translation, see translations suggestions, edit translations and more.
Go to Translation Editor

Download translations

Download translations in any format you want. You can use CLI command or download translations manually.
See how to download translations
$ simplelocalize download \
        --apiKey YOUR_API_KEY \
        --downloadFormat single-language-json \
        --downloadPath ./messages_{lang}.json
translations in multi-language-json file format

Host translations

Instead of downloading translations, you can host them on SimpleLocalize CDN. It's free and you can use it with any programming language.
Learn about Translation Hosting

Discover SimpleLocalize

Bring your workflow to the next level and try our web-base translation editor and manager.

online translation editor interface
  • Auto-translation
  • Screenshots
  • Automations
  • Markdown support
  • Variables highlighting
  • Bulk Actions
  • Context-aware translations
  • Acceptance statuses
  • Customizable view
  • Side-by-Side view
  • Spreadsheet view
  • Text summaries

Translation Hosting

Every project has its space on our servers, which are covered with a CDN layer. The CDN is the fastest possible way to deliver translations anywhere, anytime for you, your users, and developers.

Translation hosting
localization for react and translations hosting

Open Source CLI

CLI can find translation keys in your project files locally, and send them to the cloud. You can also use it to upload your current translation files to manage them in SimpleLocalize. Once you translate messages, you can use CLI to download a ready to use translation file.

Get started with CLI
localization cli tool example usage

Content delivery network

SimpleLocalize hosting for translations acts same as a content delivery network but for your translations. We rely on Amazon S3 and Cloudflare CDN to deliver your translations to your users all over the world. You can change texts and strings in your app without any hassle, in real time, without any downtime.

Learn more about translation hosting

Trusted by many

Our Translation Hosting is used by over 100 million people every month.

simplelocalize cloudflare request count
Ready to say

Greet your customers
in their mother language

Start 14-day trial
No credit card required
country flags

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