How to localize
React application?

Learn how to localize your React apps in just 3 steps. Learn more about translations hosting and management in React applications

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1. Upload translations

Get your JSON file with translation keys
or translations and upload it.
  • SimpleLocalize CLI is open-source
    and safe to use in your infrastructure
  • Vendor-agnostic solution - all data can
    be exported any time in multiple formats
  • Use REST API or web client to
    upload or download your data
Install SimpleLocalize CLIIntegrate FormatJS CLI
$ simplelocalize upload \
        --apiKey YOU_API_KEY \
        --uploadFormat single-language-json \
        --uploadPath ./messages_{lang}.json
translation editor for localization keys

2. Translate texts

Your data will show up in a translation editor which can be handed over to translators or other team members.
  • Translate with Google Translate in seconds!
  • Invite team members to the project
  • Activity log shows what was happening with your translations
  • Use quick rollback to revert translations to the previous version
More about translation hosting

3. Load translations

Fetch translations directly from the CDN or download
them using our command-line application.
  • CDN ensures fast access to translation data anywhere
    in the world in the most commonly used JSON format
  • Translate once and re-use translations in other
    applications by changing the download format
  • Fetching translations directly from CDN in your
    app allows you changing messages in real-time
translation editor for localization keys

Web-based editor
for translation files

Management of JSON files directly in IDE might be a bit tricky. SimpleLocalize provides a translation editor
which allows you to manage translations in a spreadsheet-like interface.

online translation editor interface
  • Auto-translation
  • Screenshots
  • Automations
  • Markdown support
  • Variables highlighting
  • Bulk Actions
  • Context-aware translations
  • Acceptance statuses
  • Customizable view
  • Side-by-Side view
  • Spreadsheet view
  • Text summaries

Why SimpleLocalize?

Most translation editors are overkill for most teams. SimpleLocalize is easy
to use and understand with no training or prior experience.

Simple and customizable

SimpleLocalize is easy to get started with and focuses on the features that you and your client need the most. You can customize the editor to your needs choosing from a variety of translation editor options.

Flat pricing

No hidden costs at any scale. SimpleLocalize offers a simple and affordable plans for you and your projects. Within easy integration options and intuitive translation editor, it creates a wonderful selection.

Team members

Every paid plan comes with a number of users you can add to your project. You don't need to worry about number of users as the price does not increase with every user.

Auto-translation included

Every paid plan comes with a number of auto-translation characters that are added to your account every month. You can use them to translate your project without any additional costs. You can increase the limit at any time.

Tools for Developers

SimpleLocalize offers a command-line tool, REST API and Webhooks for developers to easily integrate their projects no matter which plan you choose. It enables you to make automations to synchronize translations with your projects.

Alternative translations

SimpleLocalize is the only service that offers customer-specific translations, which allows you to adjust translation for one customer without affecting base translations.

Trusted by many

Our Translation Hosting is used by over 100 million people every month.

simplelocalize cloudflare request count

Auto-translate texts

Translate your application into multiple languages with just a few clicks. Choose from OpenAI ChatGPT, Google Translate or DeepL translation providers to translate your texts. Adding support for new languages has never been easier.

Learn more about auto-translation
translate web application with ChatGPT (OpenAI), Google Translate or DeepL

Work with your team

Invite team members to the project. Work together with native speakers from all around the world on your app translations. Get the best matching word translation to better express your project idea.

Learn more about project sharing
  • project manager
  • software developer
  • translation project manager
  • translator
  • Jakub Pomykała
  • translator
  • translator
  • person
  • person
  • person

Open Source CLI

CLI can find translation keys in your project files locally, and send them to the cloud. You can also use it to upload your current translation files to manage them in SimpleLocalize. Once you translate messages, you can use CLI to download a ready to use translation file.

Get started with CLI
localization cli tool example usage
Ready to say

Greet your customers
in their mother language

Start 14-day trial
No credit card required
country flags


Check out our latest blog posts and stay up to date with SimpleLocalize

Cloudflare Workers and Website Localization (1/5)

Jakub Pomykałaby6 min read

In this tutorial, we will show you how to use Cloudflare Workers to create a simple website localization feature, without the need to install any additional dependencies. We will localize a simple static HTML website hosted on GitHub Pages, but you can use the same approach to localize any website, including those built with popular frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue.js.

Continue reading