
Seamlessly translate your project into multiple languages with automations.
Write once and get texts translations in seconds for other languages.

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Automating translations with SimpleLocalize (July 2024)

Automate your workflow

Automations are a powerful feature that allows you to automate the translation process in your project without using any 3rd party tools, like Zapier or We've made an easy-to-use automation editor that allows you to create a set of actions that will be executed when a trigger condition is met. Giving the most common settings to set up, we believe that you will find the right combination of actions and triggers that will fit your workflow.Automations are available in every paid plan, and you can use them without any additional fees.

With automations, you can auto-translate your texts using any of the available translation providers, like Google Translate, DeepL, or OpenAI when a new translation key is added, or when a text is changed for source language or any other language. Our pre-configured automation actions combined with filters and trigger filters allow you to handle the most common use cases.

Creating a translation automation in SimpleLocalize (July 2024)

Automations in action

Imagine you are a solo app developer that wants to translate your app into multiple languages, but you don't want to spend time translating texts manually, and you don't want to hire translators or agency. Let's take a look how your translation process could look like with automations.

In the video below, you can see that we started from downloading translation files for the project, then you just change translations in the source language, or add new translation keys with translations, after uploading the changes, automations are triggered, and translations are automatically generated for other languages that are ready to download.

Automating translations workflow in action (July 2024)

Why SimpleLocalize?

Most translation editors are overkill for most teams. SimpleLocalize is easy
to use and understand with no training or prior experience.

Simple and customizable

SimpleLocalize is easy to get started with and focuses on the features that you and your client need the most. You can customize the editor to your needs choosing from a variety of translation editor options.

Flat pricing

No hidden costs at any scale. SimpleLocalize offers a simple and affordable plans for you and your projects. Within easy integration options and intuitive translation editor, it creates a wonderful selection.

Team members

Every paid plan comes with a number of users you can add to your project. You don't need to worry about number of users as the price does not increase with every user.

AI & Auto-translation included

Every paid plan comes with a number of auto-translation characters that are added to your account every month. You can use them to translate your project without any additional costs. You can increase the limit at any time.

Tools for Developers

SimpleLocalize offers a command-line tool, REST API and Webhooks for developers to easily integrate their projects no matter which plan you choose. It enables you to make automations to synchronize translations with your projects.

Alternative translations

SimpleLocalize is the only service that offers customer-specific translations, which allows you to adjust translation for one customer without affecting base translations.

Ready to say

Greet your customers
in their mother language

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