Translation memory (TM) is a database that stores translations from your projects. It helps you reuse translations across projects by suggesting translations for similar strings. This way, you can save time and maintain consistency in your translations.
How translation memory works
Translation memory is built on the translations from projects you work on. When you translate a string, the translation memory stores the source and target text and the translation key. If you translate a similar string in another project, the translation memory suggests the stored translation.
TM suggestions are based on the similarity of the source strings. The more similar the strings are, the higher the suggestion match rate.
Open the translation memory
You can find the translation memory in the translation editor. Head to the options menu in the selected translation and choose "Translation memory" to view the suggestions for the current translation.
![Translation memory in Options menu](/docs/options-translation-memory.jpeg)
To make it easier to access the translation memory, enable the Translation memory button in Quick Actions in the editor settings. This adds a button to the editor toolbar that allows you to quickly access the translation memory for the selected translation.
![Translation memory in Quick Actions](/blog/introducing/translation-memory-quick-actions.jpeg)
Using the translation memory
When you open the translation memory, you'll see a list of suggestions for the current translation with their relevance scores, source translations and projects they come from.
Click on Apply translation to use the suggested translation.
![Translation memory in the translation editor](/blog/introducing/translation-memory.jpeg)