Translation Hosting rollbacks allows you to revert translations to the 'Latest' environment from the previous publications. This feature is useful when you want to rollback translations to the previous state for any reason. After reverting translations, you can publish them to the 'Production' environment again.
How to rollback translations
To rollback translations, go to the SimpleLocalize dashboard and open the project which you want to revert translations. Go to the 'Hosting' tab, and click 'Previous versions' on 'Latest' environment card. Use 'Publish' button on the version which you want to publish. You can see a list of resources that were published in the selected version. Click the 'Publish' button to revert translations to the 'Latest' environment.
The rollback process is asynchronous, and it may take a few seconds to complete. Usually, it takes less than 2 minutes.

Please note that the 'Publish' button reverts translations to the 'Latest' environment only. If you want to push translations to the 'Production' environment, then please use 'Publish' button to deploy the 'Latest' environment to the 'Production'.

How many versions are stored?
The duration of storing versions depends on the project's plan and is available in the pricing page as 'Activity and history log' feature.
Rollbacks are atomic, so you can revert only full publication of translations, not a single key, or a group of keys, files or languages.
There is no option to revert translations from the 'Production' environment to the 'Latest' environment. If you want to do this, you need to publish translations from the 'Latest' environment to the 'Production' environment again.