
Last updated: March 11, 2025Author: Jakub Pomykała
File format value

Markdown is a plain text file format that allows you to export (or import) every translation key into a single file. The Markdown file format in SimpleLocalize is a specialized format based on translation as file (TAF) format. The main difference between these two formats is that TAF one is more generic, and it can be used with any file extension you like. While markdown is prepared to work with Markdown files only, that has .md extension.

This file format requires SimpleLocalize CLI version 2.8.0 or higher.

SimpleLocalize will automatically recognize and remove .md extension from the translation key when you upload the file, and add them back when you download the file.

Special placeholder

With the Markdown format, you have to use a special placeholder {translationKey} that will be replaced with the actual translation key value.

Import multiple files via Web UI

To import multiple markdown files into SimpleLocalize via Web UI, you can ZIP them and upload the ZIP file. The file name will be used as the key, and all files must always be in the same language, that you choose from the selector in the Web UI.

Upload with CLI

Example command to upload markdown blog posts:

simplelocalize upload --apiKey <PROJECT_KEY> \
  --uploadFormat markdown \
  --uploadPath ./blog-posts/{lang}/{translationKey}

{translationKey} will be replaced with the actual translation key value, and {lang} will be replaced with the actual language code.

Example command to upload plain text files:

simplelocalize upload --apiKey <PROJECT_KEY> \
  --uploadFormat markdown \
  --uploadPath ./public/{translationKey}/{lang}

Learn more about SimpleLocalize CLI and translations upload feature.

Download with CLI

Example command to download markdown blog posts:

simplelocalize download --apiKey <PROJECT_KEY> \
  --downloadFormat markdown \
  --downloadPath ./blog-posts/{translationKey}

Example command to download plain text files:

simplelocalize upload --apiKey <PROJECT_KEY> \
  --downloadFormat markdown \
  --downloadPath ./public/{translationKey}/{lang}

Learn more about SimpleLocalize CLI and translations download feature.

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