CLI: Download translations

Last updated: March 17, 2023Author: 

Download translations to your local files using CLI. Choose the best matching file format for your project. Invoke 'download' command to get the latest version of translations.

Table of contents


Before you start, you need to install the CLI. Follow the CLI installation guide.

simplelocalize download --apiKey MY_API_KEY ...
How to download translations using command-line tool (Version 2.1)

Example: Download all translations into one file

└── locales
    └── all-translations.json
simplelocalize download \
  --apiKey MY_API_KEY \
  --downloadFormat multi-language-json \
  --downloadPath ./locales/all-translations.json

Learn more about multi-language-json.

Example: Download translations for one language

└── locales
    └── english-translations.json
simplelocalize download \
  --apiKey MY_API_KEY \
  --languageKey en \
  --downloadFormat single-language-json \
  --downloadPath ./locales/english-translations.json

Learn more about single-language-json.

Example: Download translations into multiple directories

├── ca
│   └── translations.json
├── en
│   └── translations.json
└── es
    └── translations.json
simplelocalize download \
 --apiKey MY_API_KEY \
 --downloadPath ./{lang}/translations.json \
 --downloadFormat single-language-json

Example: Download translations into multiple directories and files

├── ca
│   ├── common.json
│   └── home.json
├── en
│   ├── common.json
│   └── home.json
└── es
    ├── common.json
    └── home.json
simplelocalize download \
 --apiKey MY_API_KEY \
 --downloadPath ./{lang}/{ns}.json \
 --downloadFormat single-language-json

See all available download formats

Example: Download customer translations

This option is only available with a Business plan.

└── locales
    └── ikea-translations.json
simplelocalize download \
 --apiKey MY_API_KEY \
 --downloadPath ./locales/ikea-translations.json \
 --customerId ikea \
 --downloadFormat multi-language-json

Download options

Many download formats offer additional options. You can activate them using --downloadOptions parameter.

simplelocalize download \
 --apiKey MY_API_KEY \
 --downloadPath ./translations.json \
 --downloadFormat multi-language-json \

See all available download options

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