Flag of Sint Maarten

🇸🇽 Sint Maarten

Country located in Caribbean

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General information related to the country

Comprehensive data for Sint Maarten
Country NameSint Maarten
Country Name (Local)Sint Maarten
Country Flag🇸🇽
Country Area34 km2
Country Code (ISO 3166-1)SX
ContinentCentral America
Capital NamePhilipsburg
Capital Latitude18.025415
Capital Longitude-63.050516
Postal Code Format
Postal Code Regex


The currency used for the locale code is Netherlands Antillean Guilder.

Currency details for Sint Maarten
Currency NameNetherlands Antillean Guilder
Currency Name (Local)Netherlands Antillean guilder
Currency CodeANG
Currency Symbolƒ
Currency Numeric532
Currency Subunit Value100
Currency Subunit NameCents

Languages Spoken

Sint Maarten speaks 2 languages.


Sint Maarten has one timezone with UTC offset UTC-04:00.



Sint Maarten shares only one border with Saint Martin and it's not landlocked.

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What country is 🇸🇽?

People often ask which country uses 🇸🇽 emoji flag. The answer is Sint Maarten.Sint Maarten is located in Caribbean continent. The country area is 34 km2, and the capital city is Philipsburg (18.025415, -63.050516). Some of the neighboring countries are Saint Martin, and the country is not landlocked. Some of the timezones in Sint Maarten are UTC-04:00. The currency used in Sint Maarten is Netherlands Antillean guilder (ANG). People in Sint Maarten speak mostly Dutch, English. Sint Maarten is part of the Caribbean region.