Unity Localization

Translate your Unity games in seconds with OpenAI, Google Translate or DeepL.
Focus on making games instead of handling localization files.

No credit card required 14-day free trial Tracking-free service
online translation editor interface
  • Auto-translation
  • Screenshots
  • Automations
  • Markdown support
  • Variables highlighting
  • Bulk Actions
  • Context-aware translations
  • Acceptance statuses
  • Customizable view
  • Side-by-Side view
  • Spreadsheet view
  • Text summaries

No subscription required

You don't need to pay for a subscription to use auto-translate your game. Use our trial version for 14 days and start translating your game. Upload your localization files and add auto-translation characters as needed. You can always upgrade to a paid plan to get more features and support. Unity games usually uses JSON files for localization, but we support many other formats.

Why to subscribe?

  • You can keep all your localization files in one place.
  • You can invite your team to help you with localization.
  • You can manage translations in your Unity project.
  • You can use our API to integrate localization into your game.
  • You monthly auto-translate quota is increased every month.

Auto-translate texts

Translate your application into multiple languages with just a few clicks. Choose from OpenAI ChatGPT, Google Translate or DeepL translation providers to translate your texts. Adding support for new languages has never been easier.

Learn more about auto-translation
translate web application with ChatGPT (OpenAI), Google Translate or DeepL

Work with your team

Invite team members to the project. Work together with native speakers from all around the world on your app translations. Get the best matching word translation to better express your project idea.

Learn more about project sharing
  • project manager
  • software developer
  • translation project manager
  • translator
  • Jakub Pomykała
  • translator
  • translator
  • person
  • person
  • person

Trusted by many

Our Translation Hosting is used by over 100 million people every month.

simplelocalize cloudflare request count
Ready to say

Greet your customers
in their mother language

Start 14-day trial
No credit card required
country flags

Related content

Check out our latest blog posts and stay up to date with SimpleLocalize

Cloudflare Workers and Website Localization (1/5)

Jakub Pomykałaby6 min read

In this tutorial, we will show you how to use Cloudflare Workers to create a simple website localization feature, without the need to install any additional dependencies. We will localize a simple static HTML website hosted on GitHub Pages, but you can use the same approach to localize any website, including those built with popular frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue.js.

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