
Last updated: November 25, 2024Author: Jakub Pomykała

In this article, we will show you how to integrate SimpleLocalize with Next.js using next-translate. next-translate is gaining popularity among developers because of its simplicity, ease of use and native support for Next.js. It provides a simple way to manage translations in Next.js apps. In this guide, we will use Next.js 14+ with Pages Router, React 18, and next-translate 2.6.2.



Install next-translate for Next.js

# with npm
npm install next-translate


Create a i18n.json file in project root.

  "locales": ["en", "es", "fr", "pl"],
  "defaultLocale": "en",
  "pages": {
    "*": ["common"],
    "/": ["home"]

Import next-translate configuration file in next.config.js like below:

const nextTranslate = require('next-translate-plugin')
module.exports = nextTranslate()

Notice: Page not found error

When using some Next.js versions, you may encounter 'This page could not be found.' error. To fix this issue, you can set i18n to undefined in the next.config.js file or try to upgrade the Next.js version and/or next-translate version.

const nextTranslate = require("next-translate-plugin");
const config = nextTranslate({});
config.i18n = undefined;

module.exports = config;

The issue is not present with version 2.6.2 of next-translate and 14.2.18 of Next.js.

Translation files

next-translate by default organizes translations in JSON files that are stored locally. We will place our translations in /locales/{lang}/{ns}.json directory, where:

  • {ns} - is a namespace,
  • {lang} - is a language key

Namespaces are optional, they are used to group translations. For example, you can have a common namespace for translations that are used across the application and a home namespace for translations that are used only on the home page.

In this example there are two namespaces: common and home and 4 locales: en, es, fr, pl, and the files structure will look like this:

├── en
│   ├── common.json
│   └── home.json
├── es
│   ├── common.json
│   └── home.json
├── pl
│   ├── common.json
│   └── home.json
└── fr
    ├── common.json
    └── home.json
Sample common namespace with translations in JSON


Usage of next-translate is straightforward and is similar to other libraries. You use useTranslation hook to get translations from JSON files, and next-translate automatically loads translations based on the current locale. You can also use namespaces in the useTranslation hook to get translations from a specific namespace.

Import useTranslation hook from next-translate package and use t function to get translated text.

import useTranslation from 'next-translate/useTranslation'

// translations from common.json
const { t } = useTranslation('common')
console.log(t('LEARN_MORE')) // output: Learn more

// translations from home.json
const {t: homeT} = useTranslation('home');
console.log(homeT('HELLO_WORLD')) // output: Hello world

Switching languages

next-translate uses prefix routing to switch languages. You can use useRouter hook from next/router to switch languages.

import { useRouter } from 'next/router'

const router = useRouter()
const locale = router.locale;
console.log('Current locale:', locale);

return (
    <button onClick={() => router.push('/', '/', { locale: 'en' })}>English</button>
    <button onClick={() => router.push('/', '/', { locale: 'es' })}>Spanish</button>
    <button onClick={() => router.push('/', '/', { locale: 'fr' })}>French</button>
    <button onClick={() => router.push('/', '/', { locale: 'pl' })}>Polish</button>

Managing translation files

If you want to manage your translations in the translation editor, you can use the SimpleLocalize CLI to upload and download translations.


Create a simplelocalize.yml file in your project root directory:

uploadFormat: single-language-json
uploadLanguageKey: en
uploadPath: ./locales/en/{ns}.json

downloadFormat: single-language-json
downloadLanguageKeys: ['pl', 'fr', 'es']
downloadPath: ./locales/{lang}/{ns}.json

next-translate uses one JSON file per language and namespace, hence we set single-language-json format for both download and upload.

We also set the uploadLanguageKey to en to match the default language of the app, and we set the downloadLanguageKeys to ['pl', 'fr', 'es'] to download translations for these languages.

Additionally, we set uploadOptions to REPLACE_TRANSLATION_IF_FOUND to replace translations in the translation editor with translations from the local files for the English language.

Language keys must match the language keys in the translation editor to upload and download translations correctly.

Uploading and downloading translations

Now you can run upload command to upload translations to translation editor:

simplelocalize upload
Uploading translations with namespaces for next-translate

After you finish translating your app, you can download translations to your local files:

simplelocalize download
Downloading translations with namespaces for next-translate

Variables, plurals and interpolation

next-translates works with files with single language JSON file format that keep translations in a simple key-value format, so you can use interpolation and pluralization directly in the translations.

  "ITEMS_SIMPLE": "{itemCount} items",
  "ITEMS_PLURAL": "I have {itemCount, plural, =0 {no items} one {1 item} other {# items}}"

Learn more about message interpolation.


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