Translation management
for software houses

SimpleLocalize allows you to delegate app translations management.
Invite your co-workers and clients without additional costs.

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online translation editor interface
  • Auto-translation
  • Screenshots
  • Automations
  • Markdown support
  • Variables highlighting
  • Bulk Actions
  • Context-aware translations
  • Acceptance statuses
  • Customizable view
  • Side-by-Side view
  • Spreadsheet view
  • Text summaries

Software house, as a place that builds software from scratch, gathers specialists on different areas of work. They not only work on designing, building, and developing software projects, but often also have to take care of software project localization. 

Translating software is a complex process that involves different team members, starting from developers to translators and project managers. Software houses, while building a website or app, in most cases need to localize and translate it into different languages. Software localization nowadays becomes a standard in software development, so it is important to build an easy and manageable workflow for translation and localization process.

With the huge amount of work that a software house is dealing with every day, with every customer and project, a translation management system like SimpleLocalize can help to save time and money on the localization process. With a centralized platform for managing all the translation projects in one place, you can provide accurate and quality software localization for your clients. Without hustle or building an entirely new team just for translations. 

Translate your projects in a simple and well-designed translation editor

As a software house team member you are an expert in building apps, and certainly, you appreciate simple, intuitive tools, that are well-designed and user-friendly. With those in mind, we created our i18n online translation editor, to make the translation process a pleasant and hassle-free experience for all parties involved.

Translation editor is a tool that you and your team will be using the most during the localization process. SimpleLocalize editor will help your team to add, edit and update translation in a tool that simply works and looks good. Forget those old-fashioned TMS where you are lost among all not so necessary options. Work in an intuitive environment instead, saving you time and nerves.

Online translation editor
Online translation editor

Customize the translation editor to your needs. Do you prefer a simple list of all translation keys with all languages? Or maybe a table view, where you can focus on translating only one language from English? Each team member can adjust the editor view and make it their tool for the best translation experience and efficiency.

To speed up the translation process, the editor works with keyboard shortcuts. Using CTRL (or CMD) + ENTER, you can go to the next translation within the same language without taking your hands off the keyboard. 

Create unlimited projects with simple team and users management

While having multiple projects and teams in software house, it is important to make sure everyone has access to the correct project with the right access permissions. In SimpleLocalize, we make sure to make it easy and clear on who has access to your projects.

There is no limit of projects that you can create in SimpleLocalize. Add all your projects to one system and control the translation process in all of them from one place. See the dashboard with projects summary for an easy overview of the work progress.

Dashboard view with different translation projects
Dashboard view with different translation projects

Users are assigned to a project, which means they only see the project they are assigned to and not others. Thanks to that, you can assign different team members to their projects, and they won't see other ones that they are not involved in. However, one user can have access to many projects if needed, they all will appear in the user's project dashboard.

In our Team plan, every project can have as many as 20 users. With no limit of projects, it gives you an option to work with all projects your software house is involved in, create different users in each of them, in an affordable pricing plan and one translation management solution. 

Share project with your customers and let them translate it

How about we let your customers or users translate the project for you? Sounds crazy, but in SimpleLocalize, you can invite users to your projects.  It is a great way because your customer is probably the native user of the language you need to translate, so it is not a big issue for them. 

For your team, it saves time and money, as you don't need to hire translators or worry about the translations quality and accuracy. Your users will make sure the translation is correct, and the results are satisfying for all involved parts. And that all without any extra costs, with just adding a new user.

Invite your team to translation projects
Invite your team to translation projects

While inviting new project members, you can decide what access level they have. Choose which languages they can edit and access, and what actions they can perform in the project. Do you want them to delete keys or run an auto-translation job? Or download translation files? Limit their access to simple language access with translation editor, and the results may surprise you. 

Save time and money on hiring translators – use auto-translation instead

If your clients aren't so enthusiastic about translating the project, and you'd rather spend the funds on more pressing matters than hiring a batch of translators, then auto-translation is your way to go.

Auto-translation uses machine translation services, DeepL and Google Translate, to translate your translations into multiple languages with just one click. AI translation  The software is fast and accurate. It provides a professional translation without the need for human translators.

Translations performed by AI are now comparable to the quality of human translations. They have a lower risk of errors and work well for translating websites and applications. They are accurate and reliable as they have improved significantly in the last years. However, they can still have problems with more content-complex texts or single words, thus may require additional review by a human (invite your users to check the auto-translated texts for you!). 

Auto-translation for software projects
Auto-translation for software projects

SimpleLocalize Team plan comes with a package of auto translation characters that you can use for auto-translating your projects to any language you want. Every month you receive an amount of extra auto-translation characters, and they are not deleted if you don't use them – they pass on to the next month. You will always be able to purchase additional auto-translation characters with just one click in your SimpleLocalize account.

Use our developer tools and integrate your projects with ease

Integration with the tools that you already use is a great way to make the translation process easier and faster in all its steps. Thanks to them, implementing a new software is no longer a nightmare, as it doesn't require any complicated setup or data movements.

SimpleLocalize offers many integration options that will fit in perfectly into your current workflows; you are not limited to importing and exporting translation files manually from the editor. Use our REST API for easy fetching and updating translations. Use it to add new translations, delete not used ones, or run an auto-translation job.

One of the great things about an API built into translation software is that it doesn't limit developers and their teams. It gives them unlimited integration options, and offers them a possibility of building their own workflow without enforced requirements.

Using SimpleLocalize CLI is a great way for starting with a translation management software. SimpleLocalize CLI is an open-source project, so you can full control on how it works. CLI can find and extract translation keys from the project files for you, upload them to SimpleLocalize editor and download ready to use translations.

As you probably keep your project files on GitHub, then use our GitHub Actions integration for easy access to your translation files. Download them from GitHub directly, or upload ready translations from SimpleLocalize to your GitHub project.

Webhooks in the translation software give you an option to connect it to external services or send events to your server. Get a notification when the translations are published to production environment or when someone starts the auto-translation job. 

Customize your Team plan by adding more keys or auto-translation characters

At SimpleLocalize, we don't want to restrict you to your chosen plan. We know that the best tools are those that are simple and intuitive to use, without enforcing any unnecessary adjustments on users side. That's why we keep our pricing simple and predictable. You won't be surprised with the next amount on the invoice, you pay for the features you need, and you know in advance how much it will cost you.

All plans are customizable, so you can add more translation keys to the selected plan. We do not force you to upgrade to a higher plan, increase your current one instead if it works for you. Buy extra auto-translation characters only if you need them. No unnecessary features, or calculating how much you will pay for each project.

A simple and flat pricing will give you a peace of mind, so you can focus on more important things in your work. 

Try SimpleLocalize now in your software house

Give SimpleLocalize a chance and try it in a 14-day trial with all available features. Register now to get started with your projects' localization or to improve translation workflow in your team. 

Create unlimited projects, import your translation files using one of many integration options. Add users and simply translate. Without hustle, in a simple setup and easy workflow.

Within those 14-days, you should have an overview of how SimpleLocalize works, and we hope you'' like it as much as we do! In case you need more time to test the solution or consult it with your team members, just contact us and let us know, we are here for you ☺️

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