iOS & macOS

Last updated: May 09, 2024Author: 

Quick Start

Check how to find all translation keys in iOS/macOS project. Learn how to extract localization key from Android project to local file. This guide will show you how to configure CLI to find localization keys in your project files.

If you already have extracted translation keys or translated messages in your strings.xml files, then go to page Localizable Strings to upload your data first.



Install SimpleLocalize CLI

curl -s | bash

Problems with CLI? See troubleshooting section.

Find keys

Use CLI to find all translation keys used in project files.

simplelocalize extract --apiKey <PROJECT_KEY> \
  --projectType apple/ios-macos \
  --searchDir ./src

Translate messages

localizable strings translation editor

Download files

Download ready to use files for your project by running download command.

simplelocalize download --apiKey <PROJECT_KEY> \
  --downloadPath ./Resources/Localization/{lang}.lproj/Localizable.strings \
  --downloadFormat localizable-strings
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