Software Localization

Web-based translation editor for software localization. It helps small and growing teams save time on handling localization files and translate strings.

No credit card required 14-day free trial Tracking-free service
online translation editor interface
  • Auto-translation
  • Screenshots
  • Automations
  • Markdown support
  • Variables highlighting
  • Bulk Actions
  • Context-aware translations
  • Acceptance statuses
  • Customizable view
  • Side-by-Side view
  • Spreadsheet view
  • Text summaries

How it works?

Import translations to our editor, auto-translate them to other languages.
Download translation files or host translations in the cloud with one click.

how it works

Auto-translate texts

Translate your application into multiple languages with just a few clicks. Choose from OpenAI ChatGPT, Google Translate or DeepL translation providers to translate your texts. Adding support for new languages has never been easier.

Learn more about auto-translation
translate web application with ChatGPT (OpenAI), Google Translate or DeepL

Translation Hosting

Every project has its space on our servers, which are covered with a CDN layer. The CDN is the fastest possible way to deliver translations anywhere, anytime for you, your users, and developers.

Translation hosting
localization for react and translations hosting

Work with your team

Invite team members to the project. Work together with native speakers from all around the world on your app translations. Get the best matching word translation to better express your project idea.

Learn more about project sharing
  • project manager
  • software developer
  • translation project manager
  • translator
  • Jakub Pomykała
  • translator
  • translator
  • person
  • person
  • person

Trusted by many

Our Translation Hosting is used by over 100 million people every month.

simplelocalize cloudflare request count

Why SimpleLocalize?

Most translation editors are overkill for most teams. SimpleLocalize is easy
to use and understand with no training or prior experience.

Simple and customizable

SimpleLocalize is easy to get started with and focuses on the features that you and your client need the most. You can customize the editor to your needs choosing from a variety of translation editor options.

Flat pricing

No hidden costs at any scale. SimpleLocalize offers a simple and affordable plans for you and your projects. Within easy integration options and intuitive translation editor, it creates a wonderful selection.

Team members

Every paid plan comes with a number of users you can add to your project. You don't need to worry about number of users as the price does not increase with every user.

Auto-translation included

Every paid plan comes with a number of auto-translation characters that are added to your account every month. You can use them to translate your project without any additional costs. You can increase the limit at any time.

Tools for Developers

SimpleLocalize offers a command-line tool, REST API and Webhooks for developers to easily integrate their projects no matter which plan you choose. It enables you to make automations to synchronize translations with your projects.

Alternative translations

SimpleLocalize is the only service that offers customer-specific translations, which allows you to adjust translation for one customer without affecting base translations.

Ready to say

Greet your customers
in their mother language

Start 14-day trial
No credit card required
country flags

Software Localization

Software Localization is a process of adjusting a website, app or any type of digital content to the recipient's language, region, and culture. It involves adapting all forms of texts and content to different cultures, by adjusting translations, design, and user experience to make the software look and feel like it's tailored to the target user, their language, culture, and habits.

What are the benefits of software localization?

Using SimpleLocalize as your localization and translation management software can help you to work with translation data and update it in a simple way. Thanks to localization software, you can:

  • automatize the process of translation and delivering a product for new markets
  • control of the whole translation and localization progress in one place
  • keep track of all the changes by showing previous versions and backups of the data

If you would like to learn more about benefits from software localization, then you should definitely look at our article about 5 not obvious benefits of software localization.

How to start with software localization?

Software localization process usually goes along with its translation. If your project is not translated yet to other languages, it's translation and setting up the strategy for this process would be the first step.

  1. Plan the localization process. First, decide in which countries and markets you would like to offer your product for the start and to which languages you will be translating it. It will give an overall view of what will have to be done.
  2. Implement translation strategy in the source code. It is important for the development side to plan the localization process and language management. Decide on the translation library and implementing the solution in the source code. Prepare the translation file structure and workflow for the development team. See our list of the most popular translation libraries for ReactJS.
  3. Translate and localize. Now is the time to translate and localize your project. Hire professional translators or auto-translate texts with DeepL or Google Translate. When translating, think also about localization. Remember that language (locale) and culture are different in different locations despite a common language and may require different approaches and solutions. Read our guide about software localization for more information.
  4. Keep the translations on track. Translation management system will help you automatize the process of translation and delivering your product faster. Thanks to software for translation management, your team can work together in an easy to grasp workflow. Create account to try SimpleLocalize.

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