JSON - SimpleLocalize

Last updated: July 16, 2024Author: 

The custom build JSON format for different purposes. In most cases, you would like to use it to import translation keys and localized messages from different localization programs. SimpleLocalize will discover automatically what kind of JSON library you use.

File format example

  "translation_key": {
    "message": "my localized message"
  "second_translation_key": {
    "defaultMessage": "my localized message from FormatJS CLI output",
    "description": "Your message to translators. It will also show up in the translation editor"
  "translation_key_with_pluralization": {
    "message": "You have {itemCount, plural, =0 {no items} one {1 item} other {{itemCount} items}}."

You can use simplelocalize-json format with FormatJS CLI. Check FormatJS CLI integration guide.

Default messages as translations

To import default messages from the file, there are a few conditions that must be met to make it work:

  • You need to specify the language in your CLI command. There are two ways:
  • provide language key as argument: --languageKey en-GB
  • provide language key in uploadPath: --uploadPath /locales/{lang}.json.
  • If the translation already exists you need to add --replace argument otherwise the translation won't be replaced.
  • File format must be --uploadFormat simplelocalize-json.

Code descriptions

Code descriptions differ from the descriptions in the translation editor. They are used to provide additional context for translators from the code perspective, and they cannot be edited or cleared in the translation editor. They are updated only by uploading new translations via CLI.

  "translation_key": {
    "defaultMessage": "my localized message",
    "description": "Your message to translators. It will also show up in the translation editor as Code Description"

Upload translation files

simplelocalize upload --apiKey <PROJECT_KEY> \
  --uploadFormat simplelocalize-json \
  --uploadPath ./translations_{lang}.json \
  --languageKey en

Learn more about uploading translations with CLI.

Download translation files

Usually, SimpleLocalize-JSON format is used only to import translation, and it's recommended to download translations as single-language-json, multi-language-json or any other file format.

All translations

simplelocalize download --apiKey <PROJECT_KEY> \
  --downloadFormat simplelocalize-json \
  --downloadPath ./translations_{lang}.json

One file with one language

simplelocalize download --apiKey <PROJECT_KEY> \
  --downloadFormat simplelocalize-json \
  --downloadPath ./translations_{lang}.json \
  --languageKey en

Learn more about downloading translations with CLI.

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