Translation Editor
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How to auto-translate JSON files

How to auto-translate JSON files

Localization plays a crucial role in expanding the reach of your software, website, or app to a global audience. However, managing translation files, especially JSON files, can be a time-consuming and cumbersome task. SimpleLocalize offers a comprehensive solution to streamline this process, making localization hassle-free and efficient. In this blog post, we will explore how SimpleLocalize's translation editor and auto-translation feature can help you effortlessly translate your JSON files.

Or, take a look at our video below for a quick video guide about auto-translating JSON files.

YouTube video about auto-translating JSON files

Why choose JSON files for localization?

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) files are an excellent choice for localization due to their simplicity and ease of use. They allow developers to structure their content efficiently and maintain localization keys in a clean and organized manner.

However, translating JSON files traditionally has its challenges, such as dealing with numerous language files, version control issues, and managing multiple translators. SimpleLocalize addresses these concerns and offers a user-friendly platform to simplify your localization workflow.

SimpleLocalize Translation Editor

SimpleLocalize's Translation Editor is a powerful web-based tool designed to enhance the translation process. It provides an intuitive interface that allows you to upload your JSON files and manage translations effortlessly.

With a user-friendly layout, you can easily navigate through your localization keys, view the context of each string, and edit translations in real-time.

Translation editor in list view with all translations

Key features of the Translation Editor:

  • Collaborative translation: Invite your team members or professional translators to work together on projects.
  • Version control: Keep track of changes made to translations and roll back to previous versions if needed. This helps maintain translation accuracy and provides a safety net for any mistakes.
  • Customizable workflow: Adapt the translation workflow to match your team's preferences. SimpleLocalize allows you to customize not only the translation editor view but also the development workflow thanks to the Translation Hosting feature and multiple integrations.

Learn more about translation editor features


Translating content manually can be time-consuming, especially for projects with extensive language support. To save time and effort, SimpleLocalize offers an Auto-translation feature based on OpenAI, Google Translate and DeepL translation services. This feature enables you to automatically translate your JSON files into multiple languages with just a few clicks.

Auto-translating all languages

Benefits of the Auto-translation feature:

  • Rapid translation: Auto-translation drastically reduces the time required to translate your content. It instantly generates translations for all supported languages, saving you hours or even days of manual work.
  • Initial content for review: While the machine-generated translations provide a solid starting point, SimpleLocalize allows you to review and edit them using the Translation Editor. This ensures the final translations align perfectly with your project's context and tone.
  • Cost-efficient: Leveraging machine translation can be a cost-effective solution, especially for quick and straightforward translations. It allows you to allocate your budget for manual translation to more complex or sensitive content that requires human expertise.

Check our docs for more details about how auto-translation works

How to auto-translate JSON files?

Auto-translating JSON files with SimpleLocalize is a quick and convenient way to update missing translations or add new languages to your project. Below, you can find our step-by-step guide for auto-translating your JSON files.

Import your JSON files to SimpleLocalize

Start by importing your existing JSON translation files into SimpleLocalize. They will serve as a base for further translations, including translation keys and your default app language.

Create your project in SimpleLocalize and proceed with the import option on the welcome screen. Choose your JSON file format (single language or multi-language files) and upload your files.

Importing translations from JSON files

Single language JSON - each language is an idividual JSON file, e.g., en.json, es.json, pl.json
Multi language JSON - all languages' translations are in one JSON file, e.g., index.json

Add languages

Once your translation keys are imported, you can work on the translation in the translation editor and modify them in a user-friendly interface.

If you would like to translate your project into more languages, start by adding those languages to your project and translation editor. To do that, go to the Languages tab and click on the Add language button. There, you can type the language key and name (choosing the flag or icon for the language) and check suggestions for adding more languages.

Adding languages to the project


Now, it's time for the magic. To translate all missing translations and all newly added languages, stay in the Languages tab and hit the Auto-translate all button. Confirm the settings for auto-translation and wait for the translations to complete. It can take from a few seconds up to a minute, depending on the quantity of your translations. Once the auto-translation is finished, you will notice a green success notification.

Auto-translating existing and new languages

Consider purchasing auto-translation characters for your project to use auto-translation services.

Export translated JSON files

Once your translations are ready, go ahead and export your translation files to JSON with all the new languages you created. You can find the Export option in the Data tab.

Exporting translated JSON files

This way, you have added new languages and translated them in just a few minutes. Sounds easy, right?


SimpleLocalize's translation editor and auto-translation feature together offer a comprehensive solution to simplify your JSON file localization process. With an intuitive interface, collaborative capabilities, and machine translation services, you can efficiently manage translations and reach a global audience. Don't let language barriers hold you back; embrace SimpleLocalize and make localization a breeze for your next project!

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