Posts with #developer

Cloudflare Workers and Website Localization (1/5)

Jakub Pomykałaby6 min read

In this tutorial, we will show you how to use Cloudflare Workers to create a simple website localization feature, without the need to install any additional dependencies. We will localize a simple static HTML website hosted on GitHub Pages, but you can use the same approach to localize any website, including those built with popular frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue.js.

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Hosted country flags

Jakub Pomykałaby3 min read

Simplify flag management and learn how to keep country flags in sync in your software project with SimpleLocalize.

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How to auto-translate JSON files

Kinga Pomykałaby5 min readMarch 26, 2024

Simplify your localization process by learning how to auto-translate JSON files with SimpleLocalize's translation editor and auto-translation feature.

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SimpleLocalize: Tips & Tricks

Kinga Pomykałaby5 min readMarch 16, 2023

Learn our tips for using SimpleLocalize. Take advantage of the i18n editor's capabilities, automate the translation process and localize your software.

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Java 21: Internationalization

Jakub Pomykałaby8 min readMarch 12, 2024

Learn about Java 21 internationalization and localization. We will learn how to use formatting instances to format dates and numbers. We will take a look at the `java.text` package and its classes. We will also learn how to use the `java.time` package to work with dates and times. Finally, we will learn how to use the `ResourceBundle` object to retrieve localized messages from a properties file.

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Spring Boot 3.2: Internationalization

Jakub Pomykałaby5 min readMarch 26, 2024

Learn how to implement internationalization in your Spring Boot application. This tutorial will show you how to use Spring Boot to create a simple application with

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What is CORS?

Jakub Pomykałaby9 min readJuly 17, 2024

Article explains what is CORS, popular among web developers CORS, what are the common problems and how to fix them.

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Translation Editor Explained

Kinga Pomykałaby6 min readJuly 04, 2022

Explore features and functionalities of SimpleLocalize translation editor, learn how to use them and get started with translation management for your project.

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GitHub Actions available!

Jakub Pomykałaby1 min readFebruary 28, 2024

GitHub Actions integration for Continuous Localization is available on GitHub Market! Connect your GitHub repository to SimpleLocalize i18n editor for free!

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Number formatting in JavaScript

Jakub Pomykałaby3 min readApril 12, 2022

Discover the power of 'toLocaleString' functions in JavaScript. Format numbers, currencies, and units without any 3rd party localization library.

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Localization: Tips & Tricks

Jakub Pomykałaby3 min readNovember 27, 2021

Avoid common problems with localization by following these simple tips. These resources will help you save time and effort with internationalization and localization.

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UI Design: Language selectors

Kinga Pomykałaby5 min readFebruary 09, 2024

A great language selector can highly improve user experience, and it's an essential setting in a multilingual website. Check our selection of the most beautiful language selectors.

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What is 'hreflang' and how to use it

Kinga Pomykałaby5 min read

In every web application, website or project, when you open a code editor, it all starts with the definition of the language used for your page which is very important for good SEO results.

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