Translate Excel files with ease

Upload your Excel file to SimpleLocalize, use our intuitive translation editor or auto-translation feature, and export ready-to-use translations.

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Showing how to import an Excel file to SimpleLocalize translation editor

How to translate Excel files?

Translating Excel files is a common requirement when it comes to localizing content for international audiences. There are different ways to approach this task.

One approach is to manually extract the text from Excel cells and use translation tools like Microsoft Excel's built-in translation features or online translation services. However, this method can be time-consuming and error-prone.

Another efficient way is to use specialized translation management platforms like SimpleLocalize, which streamline the process by automatically extracting and organizing the strings for translation, facilitating collaboration, providing context, and ensuring translation quality. With these tools, translating Excel files becomes a more efficient and accurate process.

Is translation editor better than Excel?

Using SimpleLocalize translation editor offers numerous advantages compared to managing translations directly in Excel. Firstly, the translation editor provides a dedicated interface designed specifically for managing translations, offering a more intuitive and user-friendly experience. It allows for seamless collaboration among translators, developers, and project managers, with real-time updates, and extra features for project development like translation hosting.

Additionally, the translation editor offers advanced features like contextual information, quality assurance checks, and version control, ensuring higher translation accuracy and efficiency.

Intuitive translation editor

SimpleLocalize's intuitive translation editor offers a user-friendly experience, making translation management effortless. With features such as real-time updates, translation screenshots and descriptions, sharing options, and customizable views, the editor streamlines the localization process, ensuring efficiency and accuracy in your translations.

Use translation editor
view of SimpleLocalize online translation editor

Manage multiple languages

With SimpleLocalize, you can effortlessly work with multiple languages in a user-friendly and intuitive translation EditorViews. Easily filter languages, assign them to translators, and manage the entire language translation process within the customizable online editor.

Add languages
list of languages used in translation project

Easy import & export

Importing your existing translation file into SimpleLocalize is incredibly easy and efficient, requiring just two simple clicks. First, upload your file, and then confirm the upload. Simple as that! Similarly, exporting ready-to-use translations is just as convenient. With a single click of the Export button, you'll receive the file in selected format containing your translated data.

Upload translations
view of uploading translation files

Try SimpleLocalize

You don't need a subscription to access the features of SimpleLocalize's translation editor. As a new user, you can take advantage of a free 14-day trial of the Team plan, which provides access to a wide range of features and a generous limit of 4000 translation keys. Check the plan limits on the pricing page.

Explore SimpleLocalize, upload your translation files, and easily translate them using the intuitive editor. Additionally, you have the option to utilize the auto-translation feature for even greater efficiency. Once your translations are complete, you can effortlessly export them in a ready-to-use format.

Why SimpleLocalize?

Most translation editors are overkill for most teams. SimpleLocalize is easy
to use and understand with no training or prior experience.

Simple and customizable

SimpleLocalize is easy to get started with and focuses on the features that you and your client need the most. You can customize the editor to your needs choosing from a variety of translation editor options.

Flat pricing

No hidden costs at any scale. SimpleLocalize offers a simple and affordable plans for you and your projects. Within easy integration options and intuitive translation editor, it creates a wonderful selection.

Team members

Every paid plan comes with a number of users you can add to your project. You don't need to worry about number of users as the price does not increase with every user.

Auto-translation included

Every paid plan comes with a number of auto-translation characters that are added to your account every month. You can use them to translate your project without any additional costs. You can increase the limit at any time.

Tools for Developers

SimpleLocalize offers a command-line tool, REST API and Webhooks for developers to easily integrate their projects no matter which plan you choose. It enables you to make automations to synchronize translations with your projects.

Alternative translations

SimpleLocalize is the only service that offers customer-specific translations, which allows you to adjust translation for one customer without affecting base translations.

Ready to say

Greet your customers
in their mother language

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