We found 20 posts with tag #tips
Learn how to efficiently manage shared translation keys across multiple projects in SimpleLocalize to keep translations consistent and easy to maintain.
The tofu symbol, a blank box in typography, appears when fonts can't display a character. Learn more about Tofu and how to avoid it in your software.
Quick message extraction with using npx and OpenAI. Extract messages and auto-create translation keys using AI. Get source translations in seconds from your source code.
Step-by-step guide to setting up a localization workflow for developers. Learn how to extract text for translation, manage translations, and integrate them into your app.
Organize your translation keys using tags. Learn how to create tags, assign them to translations, and filter translations by tags in SimpleLocalize's translation editor.
Learn what is context in auto-translation and how to use ChatGPT and DeepL translation context feature to improve the quality of your auto-translation using SimpleLocalize.
Check out our comparison of DeepL, Google Translate, and OpenAI for auto-translation with examples, quality check and cost estimation.
Learn how to work together using SimpleLocalize! Invite team members, share access, and make localization easy.
Easily manage translations across multiple apps with SimpleLocalize's key merging feature. Save time and maintain consistency!
Learn how to use the Translation Editor keyboard shortcuts to speed up your translation workflow with SimpleLocalize.
Learn our tips for using SimpleLocalize. Take advantage of the i18n editor's capabilities, automate the translation process and localize your software.
Learn about Java 21 internationalization and localization. We will learn how to use formatting instances to format dates and numbers. We will take a look at the `java.text` package and its classes. We will also learn how to use the `java.time` package to work with dates and times. Finally, we will learn how to use the `ResourceBundle` object to retrieve localized messages from a properties file.
Learn how to implement internationalization in your Spring Boot application. This tutorial will show you how to use Spring Boot to create a simple application with messages.properties.
Article explains what is CORS, popular among web developers CORS, what are the common problems and how to fix them.
Learn how to translate your website with AI translation services like OpenAI ChatGPT, DeepL or Google Translate and optimize your website for translation.
Are you still wondering if it is worth to invest in translating your app? Check 5 not-so-obvious benefits that translation brings to your application.
Explore features and functionalities of SimpleLocalize translation editor, learn how to use them and get started with translation management for your project.
Avoid common problems with localization by following these simple tips. These resources will help you save time and effort with internationalization and localization.
Are you struggling with the localization process? Read how to overcome all obstacles and handle i18n easier
See examples of apps that need translation management to reach a global audience. Learn why travel, eCommerce, SEO, and business apps need multi-language support.