CLI: Other commands

Last updated: October 05, 2023Author: 

Table of contents

Create a sample configuration file

Downloads the most recent sample configuration file and saves it locally as simplelocalize.yml.

simplelocalize init

Get project details

Get your project details.

simplelocalize status --apiKey <PROJECT_API_KEY>

Sample output:

Project name: 🏠 My project
Project token: 688665981f8c44668ba7bfafdd6cc142
Translated: 0.22
Keys: 13
Languages: ["de-DE","en","en-GB","en-US"]
Namespaces: ["home-en","home","email_messages"]
Customers: []
Last activity: 2023-04-12T14:21:57Z
Last edit: 2023-04-12T14:21:57Z

Auto-translate project

Start auto-translation for your project.

simplelocalize auto-translate --apiKey MY_API_KEY --languageKeys en,de,fr

The command starts an auto-translation job to translate project content. You can omit --languageKeys parameter to invoke auto-translation for all languages. Command waits until all auto-translation jobs are finished.

Auto-translate command uses settings that were used during the last auto-translation job invoked from the SimpleLocalize UI. If there was no auto-translation job invoked from the UI, the command will skip auto-translation for that language.

Translation Hosting: Publish translations

It publishes translation to Translation Hosting. It behaves exactly the same as publish buttons in the SimpleLocalize (Hosting tab).

Publishes translations from Translation Editor to the _latest environment.

simplelocalize publish --apiKey <PROJECT_API_KEY> --environment _latest

Publishes translations from the _latest environment to _production environment.

simplelocalize publish --apiKey <PROJECT_API_KEY> --environment _production

Translation Hosting: Pull resources

Downloads all translation hosting files to given directory in --pullPath parameter. It overwrites existing files and creates subdirectories if necessary.

Pulls translations from the _latest environment.

simplelocalize pull --apiKey <PROJECT_API_KEY> --pullPath ./hosting/ --environment _latest

Pulls translations from the _production environment.

simplelocalize pull --apiKey <PROJECT_API_KEY> --pullPath ./hosting/ --environment _production

If you would like to filter files which should be downloaded you can use --filterRegex param, e.g.: --filterRegex '_index.json' will download only _index.json file.

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