CommonJS - module.exports

Last updated: May 11, 2021Author: 

CommonJS uses module.exports syntax to load various data. One of them are localization files. File format looks very similar to the standard JSON file, but it starts with module.exports = and it's saved as JavaScript with .js extension.

File format example

module.exports = {
  "HELLO_WORLD": "Hello world!",
  "TRANSLATION_KEY": "This is my translated text!"

Upload with CLI

simplelocalize upload --apiKey <PROJECT_KEY> \
  --uploadFormat module-exports \
  --uploadPath ./messages_{lang}.js

Learn more about SimpleLocalize CLI and translations upload feature.

Download with CLI

simplelocalize download --apiKey <PROJECT_KEY> \
  --downloadFormat module-exports \
  --downloadPath ./messages_{lang}.js

Learn more about SimpleLocalize CLI and translations download feature.

Import with API

    --request POST \
    --url '' \
    --header 'x-simplelocalize-token: <API_KEY>' \
    --form file=@/path/to/your/file.js

Learn more about importing translations with API

Export with API

    --request GET \
    --url \
    --header 'x-simplelocalize-token: <API_KEY>'

Learn more about exporting translations with API

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