Custom hosting server

Last updated: November 25, 2024Author: Jakub Pomykała

The article describes how to configure a custom hosting server to store translations. If you are looking for a managed solution, please refer to the custom hosting providers for translation hosting section, where you can find a list of hosting providers that are natively supported by SimpleLocalize.

Custom storage server via GitHub Actions

Using a GitHub Actions workflow, you can automate the process of pulling translations from SimpleLocalize and uploading them to any other hosting server that's not natively supported by SimpleLocalize.

Generate GitHub personal access token

Create a new GitHub Personal Access Token (classic) with repo scope.

Get GitHub Personal Token page

Learn more about GitHub Personal Access Tokens

Set up a webhook

In SimpleLocalize project, go to 'Settings > Webhooks' and set a new webhook.

webhook integration

Choose a 'GitHub Actions' request type, set your repository owner name, repository name and Authorization header with token generated in previous step:

Authorization: token {your_token}

Check triggers you want to use, for example:

  • PUBLICATION to get resources from the _latest environment
  • ENVIRONMENT_PUBLICATION to get resources from _production or any other custom environment

in this example, we will use ENVIRONMENT_PUBLICATION to get resources from the _production environment, because we want to publish translations to our server only when they are ready to be published.

Create GitHub Actions workflow

Create a new workflow in your GitHub repository. Go to 'Actions' tab and click 'New workflow' or just create a workflow file in .github/workflows directory.

# .github/workflows/simplelocalize-production-translations.yml
name: SimpleLocalize GitHub Action
  # Allows external webhook trigger:{owner}/{repo}/dispatches
      - simplelocalize_environment_publication # ENVIRONMENT_PUBLICATION

  cli-version: '2.5.1'

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      # Pull translations for the environment that was published
      - name: Pull '_production' or custom environment translations
        uses: simplelocalize/github-action-cli@v3
          api-key: ${{ secrets.SIMPLELOCALIZE_API_KEY }}
          command: 'pull'
          cli-version: ${{ env.cli-version }}
          args: "--pullPath ./hosting-resources/ --environment ${{ github.event.client_payload.environment }}"

      # upload translations to S3 Bucket
      - uses: shallwefootball/s3-upload-action@master
          aws_key_id: ${{ secrets.AWS_KEY_ID }}
          aws_secret_access_key: ${{ secrets.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY}}
          aws_bucket: ${{ secrets.AWS_BUCKET }}
          source_dir: './hosting-resources/'

In this example, we used a custom GitHub Action to upload files to S3 Bucket, but you can use any other GitHub Action to upload files to your hosting server.

Now, once we publish translations to the _production environment, SimpleLocalize will trigger the GitHub Action pipeline, and it will pull translations from SimpleLocalize and upload them to S3 Bucket. You can use any other hosting server to store translation resources, for example:

(optional) Pull latest translations

We can use the same workflow to pull translations from the _latest environment, but we need to change the on.repository_dispatch section, and we can simplify the pull translations step and set the environment key.

# .github/workflows/simplelocalize-latest-translations.yml
name: SimpleLocalize GitHub Action
  # Allows external webhook trigger:{owner}/{repo}/dispatches
      - simplelocalize_publication # PUBLICATION
  cli-version: '2.5.1'

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      # Pull translations for the environment that was published
      - name: Pull '_latest' translations
        uses: simplelocalize/github-action-cli@v3
          api-key: ${{ secrets.SIMPLELOCALIZE_API_KEY }}
          command: 'pull'
          cli-version: ${{ env.cli-version }}
          args: "--pullPath ./hosting-resources/ --environment _latest"
      # upload translations to S3 Bucket
      - uses: shallwefootball/s3-upload-action@master
          aws_key_id: ${{ secrets.AWS_KEY_ID }}
          aws_secret_access_key: ${{ secrets.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY}}
          aws_bucket: ${{ secrets.AWS_BUCKET }}
          source_dir: './hosting-resources/'

Note: Trigger 'PUBLICATION' does not contain information about the environment, so we need to set the environment key manually.

(optional) Cancel previous workflow to avoid stacking

    name: Pre-job
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - uses: technote-space/auto-cancel-redundant-workflow@v1
      - name: Cancel redundant workflows
        run: echo "Cancel redundant workflows finished"

In this example, we used a custom GitHub Action to cancel previous workflow.

Custom storage server via webhooks

Another way of integrating SimpleLocalize with your custom hosting server that is not natively supported by SimpleLocalize is to use webhooks.

Set up a webhook

SimpleLocalize provides a webhook mechanism to notify your server about changes in Translation Hosting resources. Go to 'Settings > Webhooks' and set a new webhook.

webhook integration

Once you set a new webhook, SimpleLocalize will send a POST request to your server with a payload containing information about the change. You can use that information to fetch translations from SimpleLocalize API and deploy them to your server.

Fetch translation resources

To do that, you need to use SimpleLocalize API to get a list of downloadable environment resources. You can do it by calling GET /projects/{project_id}/translations/hosting/{environment_id}/resources endpoint.


The endpoint will respond with an environment summery and a list of downloadable resources. Each resource contains a URL to download the resource.

Sample response

  "msg": "OK",
  "status": 200,
  "data": {
    "numberOfKeys": 81,
    "numberOfLanguages": 6,
    "numberOfNonEmptyTranslations": 471,
    "createdAt": "2023-10-05T12:55:20.987Z",
    "resources": [
        "link": "752a12896c194846aac2bac83efc6c79/_latest/_index",
        "size": 9333
        "link": "752a12896c194846aac2bac83efc6c79/_latest/pl_PL/login",
        "language": "pl_PL",
        "namespace": "login",
        "size": 385
    // cut for brevity...

Use the link property, append a{link} prefix to it and iterate over resources to download them or upload them directly to your server. You can also filter resources by language, namespace, or customer.

Upload translation resources to S3 Bucket

In this example, we will use AWS S3 Bucket to store translation resources. You can use any other hosting server.

const axios = require('axios');
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const s3 = new AWS.S3();

async function uploadResourcesToS3() {
  const environmentKey = '_latest';
  const response = await axios.get(`${environmentKey}`, {
    headers: {
      "x-simplelocalize-token": "project-api-key"
  const resources =;

  await Promise.all( (resource) => {
      const fullLink = `${}`;
      const key =;
      const params = {
        Bucket: 'your-s3-bucket-name',
        Key: key,
        Body: await axios.get(fullLink, { responseType: 'stream' }),
      await s3.upload(params).promise();
      console.log(`Uploaded ${key} to S3`);

  console.log('All resources uploaded to S3 successfully');


The code above is just a template to show you how to download resources and upload files to S3 Bucket, and you should adjust it to your needs.

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