Export translations

Last updated: April 10, 2024Author: 

Export translations from SimpleLocalize translation editor into any format, including an Excel and JSON format. The export feature allows you to save translations locally or send them to translators without giving access to the translation editor. The user can choose to export the content in a wide variety of formats.

Export translations to JSON file (May 2023)

To export translations, open your project and switch tab to the 'Data'. Select a file format by clicking the icon and start export by clicking 'Start export' button. After that, you will be able to download translations by clicking 'Download the file'.


Conflicting nested keys

When exporting translations to a JSON file, you may encounter a situation where the nested keys are conflicting. This is because the JSON format does not support duplicate keys. To resolve this issue you have to adjust your translation keys namings to avoid conflicts, for example:

Conflicting nested keys

In the example above, the key home.login is conflicting with home.login.text and home.login.title, and home.login.validation. To resolve this issue, you have to rename the key home.login to home.login.button or home.login.action:

Conflicting nested keys fixed

After renaming the conflicting keys, you can export translations with WRITE_NESTED option enabled.

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