Efficiently manage multiple translation keys at once using the Bulk Actions feature. To access the bulk actions, hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard while selecting the translations you wish to update.

Bulk actions provide you with the following options:
- Clear translations: This option remove translations in selected languages for the chosen translation keys.
- AI Actions: Apply AI-generated translation modification to the selected translation keys and languages.
- Change review status: Apply review statuses to multiple translation keys and their corresponding translations with just a few clicks. This feature is especially useful when starting to use the review option. For instance, you can mark your default language translations as "Accepted."
- Change key details: Update key details for the selected translation keys.
- Change namespace: Assign namespaces to the selected translation keys.
- Auto-translate: Run a bulk auto-translation for the chosen translation keys and languages.
- Merge translations: Transfer selected translations easily from one project to another. In cases where translations do not exist in the target project, they will be added; existing translations will be updated based on the translations from the source project.

Read our blog post: How to manage set of translations and keys with Bulk Actions
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